What is C-SAW?The Consortium for Scientific Assistance to Watersheds (C-SAW) is a team of specialists who provide FREE organizational and scientific technical assistance to Pennsylvania-based watershed and conservation organizations.
C-SAW does not conduct watershed monitoring or assessments. Instead, C-SAW helps watershed organizations do a better job with their own monitoring and assessments. C-SAW can help your group:
Who’s Eligible?Pennsylvania-based watershed and conservation organizations eligible to apply for Growing Greener Grants are eligible to receive assistance through C-SAW.
Examples of eligible groups include:
C-SAW Projects in Delaware River Network |
C-SAW Projects in Conemaugh River ValleyC-SAW PartnersWho Provides Assistance? C-SAW includes individuals from six partner organizations considered experts in the field of watershed studies and assessments.
The Technical Assistance Providers of C-SAW are: Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring at Dickinson College Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) is an environmental organization at Dickinson College that empowers local communities with scientific tools to assess, protect, and restore waterways. ALLARM has provided technical assistance to volunteer stream monitors in the state of Pennsylvania since 1986. Visit the ALLARM website. Conemaugh Valley Conservancy The Kiski-Conemaugh Stream Team is a program of the Conemaugh Valley Conservancy. Its goals are to educate and engage citizen stewards in maintaining, enhancing and restoring the natural resources of the Kiski-Conemaugh River Basin. This is accomplished through extensive water monitoring programs, technical assistance, education initiatives, and special projects. CVC’s Natural Biodiversity program seeks to heal and support the biodiversity of our landscape and is well versed in controlling invasive plant species and establishing native habitats. Visit the Conemaugh Valley Conservancy website Delaware Riverkeeper Network Delaware Riverkeeper Network (DRN) is an environmental advocacy group working throughout the entire Delaware River Watershed including portions of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and New York. Their staff and volunteers have a breadth of knowledge about the environment as well as expertise specific to rivers and watersheds. DRN provides effective environmental advocacy, volunteer monitoring programs, stream restoration projects and public education. Visit the DRN website. Pennsylvania Lake Management Society The Pennsylvania Lake Management Society (PALMS or PA Lakes) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the management, restoration and protection of Pennsylvania’s lakes and surrounding watersheds. PALMS is comprised of lake and watershed associations, concerned citizens, and watershed management professionals from the private and public sector with the common interest of protecting Pennsylvania lakes for future generations. Visit the PALMS website. Stroud Water Research Center Stroud Water Research Center seeks to advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water through global research, education, and restoration and to help businesses, landowners, policymakers, and individuals make informed decisions that affect water quality and availability around the world. Stroud Water Research Center is an independent, non-advocacy, not-for-profit organization. Visit the Stroud Water Research Center website. United States Geological Survey As the nation’s largest water, earth, and biological science and civilian mapping agency, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) collects, monitors, analyzes, and provides scientific understanding about natural resource conditions, issues, and problems. USGS carries out large-scale, multi-disciplinary investigations and provides impartial scientific information to resource managers, planners, and other customers.Visit the USGS website Administrative Assistance Provider: Pocono Northeast Resource Conservation & Development Council. Council members represent numerous interests and disciplines, including agriculture, forestry, environment, education, wildlife management, mine reclamation, recreation and economic development. |
The Consortium For Scientific Assistance to Watersheds is funded by a Growing Greener grant provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
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Contact Information
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![]() George E. Kauffman, III, Executive Director
Suzanne Berkowitz, Director of Operations P.O. Box 432, Dalton, PA 18414 Phone: (570) 234-3577 or cell: (570) 262-2726 Registration Information on PNERCDThe official registration and financial information Pocono Northeast Resource Conservation & Development Council may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. PNERC&D is a registered 501 (c)3 organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible in accordance with law. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, at 1-800-732-0999. PNERC&D is an equal opportunity provider and employer. |